

Short stature, plump, short limbs, fleshy, pale, double chin, round shoulders, protruding eyes, soft hair, versatile, good-natured, emotional, philosophical, loving, lack in self-confidence, timid, cannot be steady, influenced by new ideas, polite, indecisive, over liberal, rely friends, suspicious but loyal in love, addicted to drinks, like flattery, happy married life, affectionate, good business ability, give loans, save for old age, do not like to be dependent on children, cannot concentrate, females cannot be steady in their love, hard worker,

Body parts:
Feet, toes, lungs

Digestive disorders, alcoholism, contagious diseases, tumours, TB, nervous disorders

Poets, musicians, planning commission, painters, nurses, caterers, teachers, accountants, bankers, actors, liaison, cinema, occult science, Managing Director, Chairman, Navy, shipping, dealers in drinks, oils, beverages, cosmetics, chemicals, medical, education,

with signs 4, 6