Lord of Saturday, outermost planet, Son of Sun, lame, eunuch/female, dhatu planet
Life principles, time, obstruction; longevity, farmers, minerals, coal and junk dealers, property owners, thinker, foresightedness, discipline, third eyesight, scientist, inventors, explorers, discoverers, philosophers, religious leaders, social reformers, landed property, mines, iron and steel, lead, dealing in real estate, austere, envious, violent, prudent, cautious, economical, serious, persistent
Sceptical, incompetent, indifferent, laborious, impotent, secretive, slow, callous, pessimistic, unreliable
Teeth, bones, ribs, marrow, hairs, nails, secretive system, skin, auditory organs, knees, feet
Paralysis, insanity, cancer, TB, tumours, wind, gastric troubles, limb injury, rheumatism, Bright's disease, deafness, consumption
Direction: South - West
Metals: Iron, lead
Colours: Black, dark brown, indigo
Stone: Blue Sapphire
Motion: 30° in 2½ years
Aspect: VII th house (opposite house); III rd and X th houses
Own Mool Trikona Exaltation Debilitation
10,11(21°-30°) 11(0° - 20°) 7 (20°)* 1 (20°)#